What to Do in the Best Cities of the Premier League

    Newcastle, Manchester, Liverpool, and London have some of the best football stadiums and teams in the world, and London isn’t the only one of those cities worth paying a visit. During the Premier League season,  all eyes on these cities, but they have far more going on than just football, not that I’ll be leaving football out of the picture entirely (Hint: Stadium tours). Here are some of the best things to do in the best cities of the Premier League.


    Most people outside of England have heard of Newcastle for the beer, and of course, if you’re a football fan, Newcastle United football club. It is a city deeply devoted to football, and many Premier League matches are held in its stadium St. James' Park, which is the fourth largest stadium in England. If you’re in town to catch a match though, there is plenty to do when there isn’t one going on.

    Take a tour of St. James' Park

    There are tours of the stadium, for all super football fans out there. They have special rooftop tours that take visitors 150 ft high to the top of the stadium to see it in all its grandeur, as well as panoramic views of the area.

    Experience the Nightlife

    Newcastle is consistently praised for its fantastic nightlife. Check out the Tyne Bridge on your way to  dinner along the river or have a drink at one of the rooftop bars. The best areas for nightlife are Bigg Market, Quayside, and Jesmond. Along the river, and less than a mile from the stadium is House of Tides, a Michelin star restaurant, which has seasonally made menus and uses locally sourced ingredients. Tyne bar, about three miles from the stadium, is a great spot that has an outdoor stage with free live music, and great beer.

    Take a tour of Victoria Tunnel

    Victoria tunnel, which is 2.5 miles long under the city, was used as an air-raid shelter during World War II. Tours are available for part of the tunnel.

    Visit the Great North Museum

    The museum talks all about Newcastle’s history and has many other exhibits as well.

    Rent a bike

    To see a little more of the area, rent a bike. The bike shops have bikes to rent and offer cycle routes around the city. There are several markets around the city that can be used as good stopping points.


    While most commonly associated with the one and only Manchester United football club, Manchester is also known for many things. Manchester became the world’s first industrialized city when it had a massive textile boom in the early 1800s, which gives it its name “The original modern city”. Get lost in the modernization of the industrial revolution because there are a few things you should definitely check out when you’re not watching Pogba and Mata on the field.

    Visit the museum of Science and Industry

    The museum is located at the oldest passenger railway station in the world, and it's fun to learn about the industrial revolution and how it got its start in Manchester. Best of all, it’s free!

    If one museum isn’t enough, check out one of the many other fabulous museums such as the People’s History museum, Manchester Art Gallery, or the Whitworth Art Gallery.

    Visit the Great Northern building

    If you want to make your visit all about the railways, the Great Northern building is your next stop,  previously a goods distribution warehouse for the railway. This is great if you want to find out a little bit about everything, with its bars, restaurants, cafes, casino, bowling alley, movie theatre  and shopping.

    Take a tour of the Manchester United Museum and Stadium

    The tour offers people an insider’s look into Old Trafford Stadium, known as the most iconic stadium in the world. It is known as “The theatre of dreams,” which has proven to be true with the football team’s huge success in recent decades, and ranked the best of 2017. The tour takes you through the dugout, the tunnel and into the dressing room of this uniquely structured stadium. Come feel part of Manchester United’s history and their rise to success!


    Home of the Beatles, and the incredible Liverpool Football Club, Liverpool has more than enough to keep someone occupied between matches. While football is a commonality between all of the cities in this article, there are must-sees in in Liverpool that you just won’t find anywhere else on your Premier League tour.

    Visit the Beatles Story

    This is the most popular museum in Liverpool, understandably and has tons of interesting memorabilia throughout their career, from their childhood to stardom. They have replicas of the studios where they recorded their first albums and remind you of their humble beginnings.

    Prepare yourself for the Slave museum 

    The International Slavery Museum is an emotional telling of the slave trade. The ships went from Liverpool to Africa to capture slaves for trade in the West Indies. Their trades were then shipped back to Liverpool where the goods were sold for profit. The museum has actual diaries of slaves on board the ships as well as the equipment used to capture, lock up and torture the slaves. It is difficult and shocking to see, but a great eye-opening history lesson.

    Take an Anfield Stadium tour

    Liverpool Football club once dominated football and is still a key team to follow in the Premier League. Their tour offers a look at the team’s constantly evolving stadium. After it’s transformation and expansion last year, Anfield Stadium is one of the best football stadiums in the world, and further expansion is planned.

    Take advantage of more than just football during this Premier League. I know, what would be the point in living without football!? With these cities though, you can have your cake and eat it too.

    About the Author

    Cameron Matthews is an international nomad, preferring to stay for extended periods of time in foreign countries, but never having lived anywhere longer than 3 years in her entire life! She loves learning new languages and has learned to embrace feeling awkward in foreign situations. She loves going on shorter vacations, but her passion is connecting with the culture and seeing the world from a different perspective. 


