Hawaii Slated To Abandon All Strict Entry Requirements For Domestic Travellers At The End Of The Month

    Starting March 26, Hawaii will be lifting most of its state entry requirements, which means that any travellers from within the country will not have to go through the same safety measures that are being implemented now.

    David Ige, Governor of Hawaii, posted on official twitter account, stating: “Beginning March 26, domestic travellers entering Hawai’i will no longer need to quarantine or show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test result.”

    He added: “Also beginning March 26, state/county employees and visitors to state facilities will no longer be required to provide vaccination status or negative COVID test results.”

    This means any American will not have to present a negative COVID-19 test result. They will also not have to present a proof of vaccination. Either of which they would have to do if they don’t want to end up in a mandatory 5-day quarantine. Still, everyone is required to wear masks.

    “The state-wide mask mandate will remain in place for now. Hawaiʻi maintained its mask mandate, and our consistency helped to keep COVID case numbers/hospitalizations as low as possible during the surge. It's one of the reasons Hawaiʻi has the 2nd lowest death rate in the country,” followed up by Mr. Ige.

    Following the Safe Travels program introduced in October 2020 to reopen the tourism industry, these changes were meant to keep pushing the rejuvenating tourism of Hawaii.

    International travellers, however, are still subjected to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention's rules.

    The Governor remains careful. He reminds people that: “We’ve worked hard to protect our community. But the pandemic isn’t over. You don’t need an emergency proclamation to take precautions to keep yourself and your family healthy.  If you feel sick – don’t go out. Don’t travel. If you have COVID symptoms, get tested.”

    Then he proceeded to advise that: “We’ve seen how variants can cause case counts to spike. Please remember to do what’s pono. It’s taken our entire community to get to this point and will continue to be a collective effort to keep pressing forward.”

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