10 Best Cabin Zero Instagrammers pics: September 2017 Edition

    Happy October!!! Our family is growing every day and with this, we decided to open a new series on our blog. Every month, we will feature our 10 best Instagram pics from our talented pool of Influencers. 

    1. "Dreamy" by @jagat_lelembut

    Taken by Ray Iman Kurniade in Bromo Tengger Semeru, this photo really wants to make us to travel to Indonesia right now!


    2. "The sea is calling" by @alvientooo

    A post shared by Alberto Ribas (@alvientooo) on

    If you open Alberto's Instagram, his captions are written in Spanish but let us translate this photo caption for you: "Some days I wake up wanting to look for airline tickets and start touring the world. Another, eager to get back on a sailboat and sail for several months. But in the end.... And what plans do you have?"

    Sorry if this is poorly translated. We are not Spanish speakers ourselves. However, we think that what Alberto is trying to say is that we don't need to plan anything so just go with the flow and take what's in front of us.


    3. "Coral Blue" by @hens4m

    Hendrik Samsuri wrote, "We at least need one friend who understands what we do not say."


    4. "Adventure awaits" by @corina_popa_renolf

    "Contemplating the nature in my cozy sweater @youngtedclothing 🌴 I had a wonderful day in Varenna and luckly I had also my super cool backback from @cabinzero in oder to carry all my little usefull things."


    5. "Girls just want to have fun!" by @idainteriorlifestyle

    Imagine going on a road trip with your girl friends? These girls call themselves the Nordic Love travel bloggers and they recently completed their Nordic trip and we defitely love their photos!


    6. "Into the wild" by @amend_raditya

    A post shared by Raditya Rudin (@amend_raditya) on

    "The only travel bag that you'll need in your life It's so big that you can put everything that you need."


    7. "Chill out zone" by @kanaho_show

    A post shared by K A N A H O (@kanaho_show) on

    This girl has recently been our favourite. Check out her feed and see what fashion is all about!


    8. "Black and white" by @sebuahparadoks

    "This is my face every time I realise tomorrow is Monday."


    9. "The great outdoors" by @hilmanimanuddin

    A post shared by HILS (@hilmanimanuddin) on

    Another Indonesian favourite, Hilman's Instagram feed is definitely one to follow. Get inspirations on editing and outdoor photography by following this cool kid.


    10. "Friends" by @kennethsurat

    "Adventure awaits! Although I am back in Manila and still don't know when will be my next trip, I do feel that it is just around the corner. Now where to next? The @cabinzero squad enjoying the pristine beach of Parola Island, Jose Panganiban Camarines Norte."


